How to create or edit your email signature(s)

Give your signature some personality.

In this article...


Create a signature manually

Create a signature the magical way

Assign a signature


In RogerRoger you can manage personal and team email accounts. Each has the capability of holding its signature(s). Your signature(s) will follow you from channel to channel (both individual and team).

Create a signature manually

The first method is the editor. Just copy and paste your signature from the email client you normally use into RogerRoger. Most of the time this will work but in some cases the code inside your email signature breaks. If it breaks, try to edit or use method two.

Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of RogerRoger and select Signatures.

Step 2

Click Add a signature on the left side to create a new signature, or select a signature from your list that you'd like to edit.

Step 3

The first field is where you set the Name of your signature. The name will not appear anywhere on the recipient's end. The large text box is for the signature itself. Here, you can customize the formatting of your signature. O, and don't forget to press "save" when you're done.

Create a signature the magical way

To make it super easy to add a signature to an email account we invented "just send it in". Just send in the signature you want to use and we do the rest. Let me explain the few steps it takes.

Step 1

Go to your email client (Outlook, G-mail, or other) and start a new email.

Make sure you set it up like this:

to: [email protected].

from (sender): the email address the signature is meant for in RogerRoger*.

the title it will show up in the list of available signatures (e.g. Bob's signature).

message: don't type a message, just send in the signature.

Step 2

You will receive an email if the signature is ready for use. Go back to your RogerRoger account, click the gear icon on the top right of RogerRoger and select Signatures.

Step 3

The signature you just send in should appear in the list on the left, ready to use.

*You can only send in signatures for the email accounts YOU own.

Assign a signature

To assign a signature to a specific email account go to the list of signatures in settings and select the signature you want to assign. On the right, the signature is displayed and a bit further down you see a list of available email accounts. Which email account(s) you can see here is determined by the role and corresponding rights you have in RogerRoger.

Using a signature is common practice but it takes up available space in your conversation, especially when there is a lot of mailing back and forth. In RogerRoger you can assign a second, more compact version of your signature to be used in replies. That way the conversation stays as clean as possible.

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